Thursday, 22 August 2013


"Look mum! A butterfly! isn't that amazing!?" i cried to my mum, and she shed a silent tear.
Never had we seen a butterfly after we had cleaned the portico. It was extremely rare. Especially so given that a few minutes ago, we had put Doggy to rest.
Doggy came into our lives 13 years ago, when we bought our home. Nobody told us that she came with it. When we moved in with our furniture, she was just staring at us in the distance. The next morning, out of nowhere, she came and tugged at my mum's saree. Her big black shiny eyes, with what looked like permanent mascara around them melted her heart and mum straight away gave it milk in a coconut shell. My dad disapproved though. "It's a female. The bitch will give us puppies and we do not want to go through it all again".
True. One reason why we shifted was the passing away of our German Shepherd, Bunty. We could no longer bear its memories in the old house.
But Doggy continued to tug and soon, was an important part of our family. What started with milk soon moved onto ice-cream and chicken soup. She put on weight, and some sexy curves too. Howling replaced the whistles and soon, a pack of testosterone pumped bachelors descended on our gates. We had a tough time shooing them away. But the mating had already taken place, and we did not know where to order doggie i-pills. So, we were host to six puppies.
Taking care of them was initially fun. Doggy had put them in a drain opening. They would rarely emerge, and when they did, the entire neighborhood kids showed up. Doggy was quick to have her fill of chicken and milk and would make a dash back to her den. This went on for a few weeks, until one day the skies opened up.
Never had i seen such water gushing down the drain. We could hear the yelps of the puppies and Doggy moaning. And soon, as we held umbrellas and flashlights praying to God and trying to figure out a solution, we saw one of the pups being washed away.
Mum, i and one of the staff in our house immediately made our way to the entrance of the drain. We took a long stick and started to drag the puppies. Doggy was outside, howling, moaning and barking all the time. It was a race against the clock. We even built a make shift dam to prevent more puppies from being washed away. In the end, we managed to save the rest of the little ones.
When asked about the missing puppy, Doggy would groan and moan. Her pups grew to be strong and healthy, and two of them stayed back with us. They would be named simply as Small Puppy and Big Puppy.

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