Yes. That's Gautam in-your-face for you. The tall, lanky brahmin minces no words on issues of the world when he shouts and howls his disgust at them. And his facial expressions go well with it. He shows no regard to time, place or occasion. Be it youth forums, student meetings or Big Bazaar, if Gautam has to say it, he says it. These may be traffic conditions, bribe, sections of the Kamasutra or just plain bitching.
I stumbled upon this specimen in 11th grade. He wore a red colored cap. He resembled a gargoyle with a tucked in shirt. For some reason, he always checks whether his shirt his tucked in properly. I figured this may be because of his days in NCC. He knows how to get along with a variety of people and is an outdoors guy. He is a huge fan of road side chats and here too, he makes sure that the girl gang next to him hear his remarks of feminity and beauty, however weird they make be.
At first, you might be embarrassed by him. But, you can always count on him. I was touched and amazed at his dedication for completing a project work for my college. It involved creating a science model for eco-friendly village and he did it with all his heart. Loyalty is one thing which i would associate with this guy. My respect for him grew more during our recent bike trip where, had it not been for him, I would have returned defeated.
All these make Gautam unique. It makes him an INDIVIDUAL.

Read about our crazy bike trip on